The M & E Course - a mini course on Monitoring and Evaluation of Health Programmes

Sep 17 - Sep 18, 2024

About this course:
Health programme stakeholders such as beneficiaries, implementers, policymakers and funding organizations all rely on monitoring and evaluation of programmes to make critical decisions on continuation or scale-up. These stakeholders may however have varying levels of control/interest in the completion of the health care project/programme. There are limited learning resources for an overall understanding of the full scope of seeing if a proposed project has tangible results. This course will be of use to all the above stakeholders. Participants will be able to learn:

  1. What is the complexity and dimensions of a healthcare project work?
  2. How to track progress of the project?
  3. How to demonstrate the impact of the undertaken activities?
  4. How to communicate using standard language used in this field of M&E?

Who is this course for?

Donors/Funders, Health Service Providers, National/ Regional Health Managers, M & E Officers, Program Directors/ Managers and Researchers.

Course Schedule

Day 1 Day 2
Program Cycle &   Logic Model : How is the program supposed to work? Log Frame : What are the main elements &
linkages in the project?              
Monitoring vs Evaluation : What is the difference between Monitoring and Evaluation? Sample Size : How many should be studied?
Evaluation Designs : What research design options are available? Survey Methods & Sampling : How to go about survey?
Indicators : What sort of Indicators for
Monitoring and Indicators for
Resources & Timelines 
  Data Analysis : How to make sense?
  Dissemination : How to share findings?



17th - 18th Sept 2024


Registration is to be done online at the weblink given below. Payment for registration is accepted via credit/debit card or net banking using a payment gateway. It is to be paid along with the submission of the registration form directly on the website. Click the link below for registration

Registration Link

Course fee

Before 5th Sept 2024: INR 8000/- plus 18% GST 

After 5th Sept 2024: INR 10000/- plus 18% GST 

Course director

Dr Prem K Mony, MD

Professor and Head

Division of Epidemiology & Population Health

St John's Research Institute

Course co-director

Dr Tinku Thomas, MPH

Head, Department of Biostatistics


For the enquiry and registration contact

Course coordinator

Dr Kavya R, MPH

Assistant Professor, Division of Epidemiology & Population Health

St John's Research Institute, 560034

E-mail: Ph: 91-80-49467030