16th Annual International One week course on Health Research Methodology and Evidence Based Medicine 2025

Feb 17 - Feb 21, 2025


We have been conducting various training programs in Health Research Methods for physicians and researchers from various backgrounds. We started with a NIH grant in 2009 for 5 years, and continued thereafter.

In the last 15 years, we have conducted 35 training programs and have trained over 2258 participants from about 83 institutions across 45 cities in 12 countries (Africa, Australia, Bangladesh, Cameroon, Kenya, Nepal, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Ghana and UK).

This course has 20 interactive lectures, 4 journal clubs on different study designs, 4 Zen protocol sessions, 4 project presentations and hands-on sessions on SPSS. All participant presentations are made in small groups with feedback from peers and faculty.


Methods in

  • Randomized Controlled Trials
  • Observational Studies (Cross Sectional, Case Control and Cohort)
  • Systematic Reviews & Meta- analysis
  • Qualitative Studies
  • Registries
  • Real World Evidence studies
  • Evidence Based Medicine
  • Origin, Principles, Clinical Practice and Future
  • Research Publications
  • Grants Writing
  • Operational & Regulatory
  • Human Research Ethics
  • Regulatory Issues
  • Project management
  • Budgeting
  • Health Policy and Knowledge Translation
  • Data Management
  • Hands-on Statistical analysis on SPSS
  • Biostatistics
  • Parametric tests
  • Non-parametric tests
  • Correlation & Regression
  • Survival Analysis

The course is on-campus and all lectures are live. Some international faculty would take their session through video conferencing.

A course book with relevant details will be provided.

Participants will receive a certificate upon successful completion of the course.

CME credits are awarded to eligible candidates.

Scholarships and Travel bursaries are available for select candidates (T&C apply).

Concession Criteria: 25% discount in the registration fees:

a). For students from our network institutions
b). For 3 or more candidates from the same institution

To avail of the discount, a letter from the Department / Institutional Head should be sent by email to hrmebm_training@sjri.res.in & addressed to:

Dr Denis Xavier MD, MSc,
Professor & Head, Dept of Pharmacology,
Head, Division of Clinical Research and Training,
St. John's Medical College & Research Institute, Bangalore

The registration fees can be sent as:

1. NEFT or
2. Demand Draft

Demand Draft should be drawn in favour of St. John's Research Institute payable at Bangalore

Kindly mention the following behind the DD:

a) Name of the participant
b) Name of the Institution
c) Name of the course as HRM_2025

Kindly send us a scanned copy of the DD to hrmebm_training@sjri.res.in before posting it.

Address for posting the DD
Radha P
Division of Clinical Research & Training
St. John's research Institute
Koramangala,Bangalore-560 034
Ph: 080 49467086, 49467088

Note: The demand draft should reach us as per the timelines mentioned in the poster to avail the early bird discount.

2.  NEFT

Beneficiary Name: St. John’s Research Institute,
Bank Name: Bank of Baroda,
Beneficiary’s bank A/C: #05210100024920,
Branch: John Nagar, St. Johns Medical College, Koramangla, Bangalore-560034,
IFSC code: BARB0STJOHN (5th digit is zero)

Kindly Note:

In the remark section, please mention the name of the participant and the name of the Course as HRM_2025 without fail.

Please send us the Transaction Details (UTR No/Ref No, Amount & Paid date) by email to hrmebm_training@sjri.res.in  as soon as the transaction is completed.