4th One week course on Randomized Controlled Trials 2024

Oct 21 - Oct 25, 2024

4th One-Week Course on Randomized Controlled Trials was conducted by Division of Clinical research and training (DCRT), St. John’s Medical College and Research Institute from March 11th to 15th 2024.

Background and Inauguration

St. John’s Medical College and Research Institute, Bangalore, in collaboration with the faculty fromMcMaster University, Canada, has been conducting short term courses on health research methods since 2009. We started with a NIH grant in 2009 for 5 years and continued thereafter. In the last 15 years we have trained over 2258 participants from 83 institutions in 45 cities across 11 countries.

This course provided the participants a comprehensive understanding of the various aspects of designing, conducting and managing of different types of RCTs.

We are delighted to present a brief report on our IV One-Week Course on Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) which was conducted from October 21st to 25th, 2024.

The Karnataka Medical Council accredited and awarded 6 credit points for the participants & the faculty.

Objectives of the course:

1. To provide participants a comprehensive understanding of the various aspects of designing, conducting and managing of different types of RCTs.

2. To interact with like-minded professionals from varied health fields and to explore collaborations.


The course has been designed for faculty, postgraduate and PhD students from medical, dental, nursing and pharmacy colleges, ethics committee members, regulators, librarians and health policy makers. It may also be of interest to anyone looking to learn more about randomized controlled trials. We had 34 candidates from 15 cities in India and Sri Lanka.


The faculty were from St. John’s Medical College, St. John’s Research Institute, Bangalore, McMaster University, Canada, Duke University, USA, The George Institute for Global Health, New Delhi and ICMR, New Delhi.

McMaster University, Canada

Dr. Gordon Guyatt

Dr. P J Devereaux

Dr. Shrikant Bangdiwala

St. John's Medical College,        Bangalore

Dr. Deepak Kamath

Dr. Denis Xavier

Dr. Tinku Thomas

Duke University, USA

Dr. Bradi Granger

Dr. Christopher Granger

The George Institute, New Delhi

Dr. Niveditha Devasenapathy

St. John’s Research Institute, Bangalore

Dr. Prem Pais

 Ms. Freeda Xavier

ICMR, New Delhi

Dr. Aparna Mukherjee

We had 22 interactive lectures, 4 small group protocol discussions, 4 journal clubs and 4 project presentations. There were 12 lectures on various RCT designs and methods, 7 on statistics, 2 on project management and 1 on ethics.

Awards to participants

There were 2 categories of awards for the participants

  1. Dr. Peter Sleight Award
  2. Dr. Salim Yusuf Team Awards for best group performance

Dr. Peter Sleight Award: All participants were eligible for this award. The assessment was based on test conducted at the end of the course and their group’s performance in JC and PP.

Dr. Salim Yusuf Team Awards for best group performance: Prize for the best group was awarded based on the performance in the journal club and project presentation. The journal clubs and project presentations were evaluated by 21 Judges who were invited from prestigious institutes across India. They evaluated the groups based on knowledge, clarity of presentation, quality of slides and response to the questions. A certificate and a plaque were awarded to all the participants in the winning group.    


The course ended on the 25th of October with valedictory function. A valedictory report was presented by the Course Director and one participant from each group provided feedback on the course. Valedictory function was attended by Rev. Fr. Jesudoss Rajamanickam, Director, St. John's National Academy of Health Sciences, Dr. Arvind Kasthuri, Chief of Medical Services, St John's Medical College Hospital and Dr. Tony D S Raj, Dean, Research Institute, faculty, staff & students.

Awards were announced by the course director Dr. Denis Xavier. Plaques and Certificates to the top 3 participants were handed over to the participants by the Director, St. John's Medical College Hospital and plaques and certificates to the group winners were presented by the Chief of Medical Services, St. John's Medical College Hospital and Dean, St. John’s Research Institute.