
Sl No. Title Authors Journal Name Publication Year
16 Elevated levels of glutathionyl haemoglobin as an oxidative stress marker in patients with major depressive disorder Mathew B, Srinivasan K, Johnson P, Thomas T, Mandal AK Indian J Med Res 2019
17 Elevated Unconjugated Bilirubin in Schizophrenia Compared to Bipolar Affective Disorder Pradeep JR, Acharya MS, Radhakrishnan R, Srinivasan K Prim Care Companion CNS Disord 2019
18 Productivity losses among individuals with common mental illness and comorbid cardiovascular disease in rural Karnataka, India Fathima FN, Kahn JG, Srinivasan K, Ekstrand M International Journal of Noncommunicable Diseases 2019
19 Maternal Nutrition and Offspring Stress Response - Implications for Future Development of Non-Communicable Disease: A Perspective From India Krishnaveni GV, Srinivasan K Front Psychiatry 2019
20 Downregulation of apolipoprotein A-IV in plasma & impaired reverse cholesterol transport in individuals with recent acts of deliberate self-harm Mathew B, Srinivasan K, Pradeep J, Thomas T, Murthy SK, Mandal AK Indian J Med Res 2019
21 Measuring adherence to antiretroviral therapy via hair concentrations in India Gandhi M, Devi S, Bacchetti P, Chandy S, Heylen E, Phung N, Kuncze K, Okochi H, Kumar R, Kurpad AV, Ekstrand ML J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2019
22 Examining engagement in care of women living with HIV in South India Chandy S, Heylen E, Ravikumar BN, Ekstrand ML Health Care Women Int 2019
23 Effect of Maternal Vitamin B12 Supplementation on Cognitive Outcomes in South Indian Children: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial Thomas S, Thomas T, Bosch RJ, Ramthal A, Bellinger DC, Kurpad AV, Duggan CP, Srinivasan K Matern Child Health J 2019
24 Development of norms for executive functions in typically-developing Indian urban preschool children and its association with nutritional status Selvam S, Thomas T, Shetty P, Thennarasu K, Raman V, Khanna D, Mehra R, Kurpad AV, Srinivasan K Child Neuropsychol 2018
25 Improving mental health through integration with primary care in rural Karnataka: study protocol of a cluster randomized control trial Srinivasan K, Mazur A, Mony PK, Whooley M, Ekstrand ML BMC Fam Pract 2018
26 Designing a Pilot Study Protocol to Test a Male Alcohol Use and Intimate Partner Violence Reduction Intervention in India: Beautiful Home Hartmann MA, Datta S, Banay RF, Caetano V, Floreak R, Appaiah P, Sreevasthsa A, Thomas S, Selvam S, Barnette Q, Srinivasan K Front. Public Health 2018
27 Socio-economic, environmental and nutritional characteristics of urban and rural South Indian women in early pregnancy: findings from the South Asian Birth Cohort (START) Dwarkanath P, Vasudevan A, Thomas T, Anand SS, Desai D, Gupta M, Menezes G, Kurpad AV, Srinivasan K Public Health Nutrition 2018
28 Life course programming of stress responses in adolescents and young adults in India: Protocol of the Stress Responses in Adolescence and Vulnerability to Adult Non-communicable disease (SRAVANA) Study [version 1; referees: 2 approved] Krishnaveni GV, Kumaran K, Krishna M, Sahariah S, Chandak G, Kehoe S, Jones A, Bhat D, Danivas V, Srinivasan K, Suguna Shanthi J, Karat SC, Barker M, Osmond C, Yajnik C, Fall C Wellcome Open Res 2018
29 Prenatal depression, fetal neurobehavior, and infant temperament: Novel insights on early neurodevelopment from a socioeconomically disadvantaged Indian cohort Fernandes M, Srinivasan K, Menezes G, Ramchandani PG Dev Psychopathol 2018
30 Does early vitamin B12 supplementation improve neurodevelopment and cognitive function in childhood and into school age: a study protocol for extended follow-ups from randomised controlled trials in India and Tanzania Winje BA, Kvestad I, Krishnamachari S, Manji K, Taneja S, Bellinger DC, Bhandari N, Bisht S, Darling AM, Duggan CP, Fawzi W, Hysing M, Kumar T, Kurpad AV, Sudfeld CR, Svensen E, Thomas S, Strand TA BMJ Open 2018