
Sl No. Title Authors Journal Name Publication Year
31 HIV Stigma Reduction for Health Facility Staff: Development of a Blended-Learning Intervention Nyblade L, Srinivasan K, Mazur A, Raj T, Patil DS, Devadass D, Radhakrishna K, Ekstrand ML Front. Public Health 2018
32 Does early vitamin B12 supplementation improve neurodevelopment and cognitive function in childhood and into school age: a study protocol for extended follow-ups from randomised controlled trials in India and Tanzania Winje BA, Kvestad I, Krishnamachari S, Manji K, Taneja S, Bellinger DC, Bhandari N, Bisht S, Darling AM, Duggan CP, Fawzi W, Hysing M, Kumar T, Kurpad AV, Sudfeld CR, Svensen E, Thomas S, Strand TA BMJ Open 2018
33 Socio-economic, environmental and nutritional characteristics of urban and rural South Indian women in early pregnancy: findings from the South Asian Birth Cohort (START) Dwarkanath P, Vasudevan A, Thomas T, Anand SS, Desai D, Gupta M, Menezes G, Kurpad AV, Srinivasan K Public Health Nutrition 2018
34 Development of norms for executive functions in typically-developing Indian urban preschool children and its association with nutritional status Selvam S, Thomas T, Shetty P, Thennarasu K, Raman V, Khanna D, Mehra R, Kurpad AV, Srinivasan K Child Neuropsychol 2018
35 Effects of maternal vitamin B12 supplementation on early infant neurocognitive outcomes: a randomized controlled clinical trial Srinivasan K, Thomas T, Kapanee AR, Ramthal A, Bellinger DC, Bosch RJ, Kurpad AV, Duggan C Matern Child Nutr 2017
36 Effect of iodine supplementation in pregnant women on child neurodevelopment: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial Gowachirapant S, Jaiswal N, Melse-Boonstra A, Galetti V, Stinca S, Mackenzie I, Thomas S, Thomas T, Winichagoon P, Srinivasan K, Zimmermann MB Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2017
37 Vitamin B12 status in pregnant women and their infants in South India Finkelstein JL, Kurpad AV, Thomas T, Srinivasan K, Duggan C Eur J Clin Nutr 2017
38 Association between maternal vitamin D status during pregnancy and offspring cognitive function during childhood and adolescence Veena SR, Krishnaveni GV, Srinivasan K, Thajna KP, Hegde BG, Gale CR, Fall CH Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 2017
39 Association between maternal nutritional status in pregnancy and offspring cognitive function during childhood and adolescence; a systematic review Veena SR, Gale CR, Krishnaveni GV, Kehoe SH, Srinivasan K, Fall CH BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2016
40 Integrated Cognitive Behavioral Intervention Reduces Intimate Partner Violence Among Alcohol Dependent Men, and Improves Mental Health Outcomes in their Spouses: A Clinic Based Randomized Controlled Trial from South India Satyanarayana VA, Nattala P, Selvam S, Pradeep J, Hebbani S, Hegde S, Srinivasan K J Subst Abuse Treat 2016
41 Standardization of Tests of Attention and Inhibition Thomas S, Rao SL, Devi BI Indian J Psychol Med 2016
42 “I take up more responsibilities for my family's wellbeing” - A qualitative approach to the cultural aspects of resilience seen among young adults in Bengaluru, India Hebbani S, Srinivasan K Asian J Psychiatr 2016
43 Norms for developmental milestones using VABS-II and association with anthropometric measures among apparently healthy urban Indian preschool children Selvam S, Thomas T, Shetty P, Zhu J, Raman V, Khanna D, Mehra R, Kurpad AV, Srinivasan K Psychol Assess 2016
44 What accounts for ethnic differences in newborn skinfold thickness comparing South Asians and white Caucasians? Findings from the START and FAMILY birth cohorts Anand SS, Gupta MK, Schulze KM, Desai D, Abdalla N, Wahi G, Wade C, Scheufler P, McDonald SD, Morrison KM, Vasudevan A, Dwarakanath P, Srinivasan K, Kurpad A, Gerstein HC, Teo KK Int J Obes (Lond) 2015
45 The effects of regular consumption of a multiple micronutrient fortified milk beverage on the micronutrient status of school children and on their mental and physical performance Kuriyan R, Thankachan P, Selvam S, Pauline M, Srinivasan K, Kamath-Jha S, Vinoy S, Misra S, Finnegan Y, Kurpad AV Clinical Nutrition 2015