
Sl No. Project Title Project Lead Year
Sl No. Project Title Project Lead Year
1 PK-HCQ Study PI: Dr. Denis Xavier; Dr. Bhuvana KB Year of Completion 2020
2 Child under Nutrition in India: Ex ploration of the Nutrional gap based on distal and proximal factors Dr Tinku Thomas PI 9th June 2022
3 Optimization of Supplementary Nutrition Provisions of the Integrated child Development Service of India Dr Tinku Thomas PI and Dr Anura V Kurpad Co-I 29th July 2022
4 Quality food production , distribution and consumption in Bihar Dr Tinku Thoms PI, Dr Sumathi Swaminathan Co-I, Mr Sanchit Makkar Co I 29th December 2018
5 Validation of shortened protocol for Dose to Mother techinique of breast milk intake and assumptions in calculation of breast milk intake Dr Tinku Thomas PI & Dr Rebecca Kuriyan Raj Co I 24-11-2020
6 Formative Research for assessing Comprehensive Primary Health Care in Mysore city Dr Prem K. Mony 2022
7 Understanding the challenges of COVID ICU staff in communicating with patients and patients’ families during the COVID crisis, a qualitative exploration. Dr Bhuvana Krishna, (PI) Dr Manjulika Vaz, (CoPI) 2021-2022
8 Placental Pathology and Neurodevelopment Outcomes - A Pilot study Dr. Ashok Mysore 2021
9 Nutritional and neurodevelopment milestones of 18-36 month-old chidren born low-birth-weight in Koppal District of Northern Karnataka, India Dr Prem K. Mony 2021
10 ACT Study - Anti-Coronavirus Therapies (ACT) to prevent progression of COVID-19: Randomized trials PI: Dr. Denis Xavier, Co-I: Dr. Prem Pais / Dr.Atiya Faruqui/ Dr. Bhuvana K B 2020-2022
11 The impact of COVID 19 on the perspectives of medical students and interns to medicine as a profession: A multi centric study Manjulika Vaz with Olinda Timms, and Suhas Chandran 2020
12 Neuroimaging biomarkers to characterize neurodevelopmental disorders in the human brain Dr. Manoj Kumar 2020
13 RUMC - Rational use of Medicine Centres PI: Dr Denis Xavier; Co-I: Dr. Padmini Devi, Dr.Atiya Faruqui, Dr. Mangala Rao 2019-2022
14 An Interventional, Randomized, Parallel Group, Placebo Controlled, Three Arm Clinical Study of Beverage Formulations (Formulation 3A and Formulation 3B) to assess reduction in stress and improvement in immunity in Healthy Population – HBS 3 Dr. Denis Xavier, Dr. Pawan Kumar Godatwar, National institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur 2019
15 STRIDE – Study of the effect of topical warm oxygen in treatment of diabetic foot ulcer Dr. Denis Xavier, Dr. Deepak Kamath 2019